
Welcome to Natural Therapies!

Natural Therapies is dedicated to natural methods of relieving pain such as body aches, migraines, sprains & breaks as well as methods you can use to relieve the symptoms from various illnesses. The methods you will read about on this site will never claim to HEAL you but you may (or not) find they help you a lot.

I am a Fibromyalgia Survivor and use many of the methods I'm sharing on this site including using the Hot/Cold Therapy Packs & Sinus Pillows I sell on this site. These products help me support myself since I no longer work outside the home and so any purchases, likes or shares are greatly appreciated.

Thanks! Tina

PS: This blog will eventually by PR Friendly and I will continue to make an effort that was started over on my other blog GivingNSharing to bring you products that I have found helpful and I think you might be interested in as well. PLEASE do not use this blog to share your businesses or companies - I will not accept SPAM of any kind as I want this to be a no pressure place for those with chronic illnesses of all kinds to come together. Thank you for understanding.